Remote insourcing

You already know what outsourcing means. At the other end of the spectrum you have insourcing, that is, bringing everything in house again.

Remote Insourcing is a new concept that allows the best of both worlds. It offers an opportunity to hire developers in-house working from remote facilities. Let’s take a look at it with a pretty straightforward chart:

What to compareRegular employment, in houseRemote InsourcingOutsourcing with low cost countries
RatesHigh costs, starting at $90/hr50% to 60% less expensive, monthly flat fees70% to 75% less expensive
InfrastructureAdded costIncluded in the monthly rateNormally included in contract
LiabilitySeverance / TaxesNoneCancellation clause penalties
MarginYou get all the benefitsYou get all the benefitsOffshore firm keeps margin
Time ZoneYour ownEST plus 2, we live on the same dayEST plus 10 or more, they live “tomorrow”
Learning curve5-10%5-10%up to 20%
Scaling upSlow, expensive HR feesOn demand, monthly ratesOn demand, contract based
Scaling downCostly and limitedOn demand, monthly ratesContract cancellation fees apply
Change managementImpacts on schedule, not on budgetImpacts on schedule, not on budgetExtra billable hours
TransparencyIt is *your* teamIt is *your* teamSome degree of transparency
Hiring criteriaYour HR departmentJoint criteriaOffshore firm criteria
TrainingYour trainingYour trainingFirm training
Intellectual propertyIt’s yoursIt’s yoursContractual. Firm keeps method/tools

How does it work?

We analyze your needs and define the required skill set for the position. Team management and supervision options are also agreed with your existing staff.

We present our candidates. In case your staff needs are not met by any existing team member we scout for more talent. Our recruiting staff are seasoned software developers. People knowing what to look for. People who know the tricks of the trade and are qualified to test candidates. The process can take a maximum of two weeks. Our San Luis location is situated within the La Punta University campus.

Once on board, your new team starts training and working for you at our Buenos Aires or San Luis offices. Different country, yet almost the same time zone.

Any small print?

No. We use a standard contract that protects your intellectual property and states how the team is hired and paid. That simple. No cancellation fees. No staffing fees. Straight to the point.

Ready to start?

We believe in fast and direct communication. Call Emilio Primucci right now: (708) 274-7474